How do I apply for first year accommodation?

AFS Team·2 May 2024·4 min read
How do I apply for first year accommodation?
If you’re reading this, you’re probably looking into studying at university and its aspects (like where will you live) or you’ve already been accepted and you’re now planning for your new place to live. Whatever the reason, this blog will give you some guidance on how to go about applying for university accommodation. Why university accommodation Renting on the campus can be less of a hassle for some people. If you’re the type of student that prefers to wake up, get dressed and head straight to your lectures, living close to your university is not a bad idea. It may also work if you’re someone who wakes up and doesn’t want to be rushed into getting public transport to get to your uni. For some students, they might also be eligible for discounts when living in university accommodation, which is worth checking. If you want to find the type of accommodation suited to you, read our guide. When and How to apply It’s important to note that university accommodation spaces can be limited, and it often works on a first-come-first-served basis. Different universities will have different applying criteria and timelines, but it also depends on when your course will start. If this is something you’re worried about, go to the university’s website and take a look at their information pages. A good way to make this easier is to search directly for the word ‘accommodation’ into their website or use CTRL+F to search for the word. That way, wherever this word is mentioned, the text will be highlighted and you can use the arrows to easily find the text. If you struggle to find what you’re looking for, you can always drop their accommodation office an email, or give the uni a call. Universities are usually happy to provide any relevant information beforehand, even if you haven’t yet applied. Remember, they are there to help you succeed, and having the right information so you can make an informed choice, is part of that! You can ask them when the deadlines are, the prices they have (roughly) and address other concerns you may have. I wasn’t offered accommodation - plan B Being declined accommodation directly with your university can happen for different reasons. Usually it’s because there are more students than spaces available. Don’t take it personally and don’t panic, it’s time to cook up your plan B! We talk about what you can do when this situation happens, here. We have plenty of accommodation available on our website, including a range of student halls which are perfect for first year students. Start your search today at