5 reasons to study in the UK

Anna Varela·3 April 2023·5 min read
5 reasons to study in the UK

Great universities

If you're looking for a great education, it's hard to beat the UK. The country boasts some of the best universities in the world and with over 90 universities, there’s an option that suits everyone.

Here are some reasons why you should consider studying in the UK, coming from an international student:

1 Excellent education

The UK has a long history of academic excellence, and its universities are among the best in the world. The education system is highly respected, with excellent teaching standards and quality research.

Some of the most well-known universities come from England, like Oxford and Cambridge. Other famous institutions include London School of Economics, Imperial College London, and University College London. But you don’t need to attend one of these top universities to receive a good education. Many universities in the UK rank worldwide for their research output as well as high teaching quality and you can see a complete list of universities and their student accommodation options here .

British universities also have a good reputation overseas - many students from other countries choose to study in the UK because they know they'll receive high quality education that will help them achieve their career goals regardless of which country they reside in after graduation.

2 Good quality of life

You can expect a good quality of life with excellent healthcare, education and transport systems that are safe and clean. Coming from America, being able to hop on a bus or train has quickly turned into one of my favourite parts of living in England.

3 Range of courses

The UK boasts an incredibly diverse range of courses. If you're passionate about something, there's a good chance that you'll be able to study it at university level.

If you're thinking about applying for a degree course at university in the UK but aren't sure where to begin or what direction your studies should take, here are some things you might want to consider:

  • What subject interests me? What do I enjoy doing? How could studying this subject help me achieve my career goals? What jobs would I be able to apply for after completing this degree programme/module/class etc.?

4 Future job prospects

One of the best reasons to study in the UK is that it's a great place to start your career. There are plenty of jobs available for graduates and those with work experience, whether you want to stay or return home afterwards.

The UK economy has been named as one of only two G7 nations currently considered "outperforming" its peers (the other being Germany). This means that there are options available if you decide you want to stay and work in the UK.

Regardless of where you choose to work after graduation, there are a multitude of internship opportunities available to students throughout their studies. This allows you to put experience on your CV and makes it easier to obtain a job after university.

5 Wide range of activities and facilities

There are a variety activities and facilities that are available to students. You can do more than just study at university - there are sports facilities, libraries, cultural activities and clubs and societies to join. Many universities also have student unions where you can meet other students and get involved in lots of different activities.

Studying in the UK is a great opportunity to get a world-class education. The UK has some of the best universities in the world, as well as plenty of other options for learning new skills or improving existing ones. If you're considering studying abroad, then we hope these reasons have given you some insight into why the UK should be top of the list.

If you are looking for even more information on studying in the UK, check out our great student guide.