How to create a stress free and relaxing living environment

Tumi Opeyemi ·22 July 2024·3 min read
How to create a stress free and relaxing living environment

Creating a relaxing and stress-free living space takes time and sourcing the right pieces for your home is very important to have a place of refuge when things get overwhelming and a conducive environment where you can relax. You should endeavour to create a space that makes you crave your return home once you’ve stepped out.Here are some tips on how to decorate your living space.

Decide on your aesthetic

Deciding what your aesthetic is and the things you would like in your home is the first step to creating a relaxing space. Whether you like a clutter of funky decorations and colours, clean and minimalist decorations or something in between, it is important to choose the direction that gives you the most peace for your mental health. Remember your living space is all about you whether it be in your room if you have housemates, or your entire place if you live on your own.

Cozy elements

Things like pillows, rugs, blankets etc. not just as décor but things you would use frequently can add texture to your space makes it more inviting and creates a cozy ambiance. By adding plants you can elevate your space further.

Add a personal touch

Adding personal touches that make you happy and comfortable and showcase meaningful objects can trigger positive feelings. This will certainly help with the home sickness. We recommend photos, or ornaments that remind you of home.


While having natural light can significantly impact your mood, for evenings, using soft, warm lighting like LED to create a cozy ambiance can enhance your living space. Having thick curtains to keep out noise and unwanted light rays is also recommended.

Keep your space clean

The best way to take in your decorations is when your living space is clean. Not only that, but a clean area equals a clear mind which means stress free. Creating some sort of routine helps in maintaining a clean living area because not all clutter is ‘décor’ and not all ‘décor’ is clutter. Try to make sure everything has its own place when not in use by utilising storage solutions like bins and baskets to keep items neatly contained and easily accessible.