How to find last minute accommodation for summer

Ines Leal·19 June 2024·4 min read
How to find last minute accommodation for summer

Finding last minute accommodation for summer can be overwhelming, but with the right resources and tips, you can obtain a great place to stay.  You can choose from a great range of rooms, ranging from private housing to even university rooms. Here’s a quick guide to help you in the process of finding the perfect summer housing.

Start your search early

Even if you are looking for accommodation at the last minute, the sooner you start, the better chances you have of finding a suitable place for you. Starting to search earlier, will give you more options to choose from. This will make it unlikely that you end up in less desirable situations due to time restrictions. In more competitive cities like Glasgow and Edinburgh, this is essential. 

Look for students sub-letting their room

Many students get a room contract that extends over summer, but they end up going back home. This leaves an empty room for the summer, which many end up subletting it. This can be a more affordable option and the easiest one. You can use Student Housemates to find this type of accommodation.  Just make sure the move in dates coincide with the move out date of your previous room, so you’re not left without a place to stay. You can read our full guide before starting your search on the website. 

Broaden your search

Being flexible with your location, can open up so many options. Since you do are not going to have classes during this period, it might also be a good opportunity to travel and get to know the country you are living in. Having the flexibility of moving to other locations also give you the possibility to compare prices and some location might have more availability than others. 

Check with your university

Check if your university offers summer stays. Many universities even offer discounts during the summer season, or you might even want to extend your lease for the next academic year. There is also the upside that you definitely know that the rooms will come fully furnished, which one less thing you have to worry about.

Finding last-minute summer accommodation doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. You have many options and resources to ensure a successful search, and don’t forget to be flexible.

We have plenty of summer accommodations available on our website, or you can also search Student Housemates. We are sure you are going to find your perfect fit.

This blog was written by Ines, who is a student at the University of Derby and a content creator for Accommodation for Students.