What do I need to do before moving out?

AFS Team·17 May 2023·3 min read
What do I need to do before moving out?

Read over your tenancy agreement

Make sure you know what you're responsible for doing when you move out. You may need to clean up, do any repairs, or return the keys to your landlord or letting agent. This will be on the contract so have a look over it.

Make sure you know what your landlord expects so you can get it done on time and avoid any charges or issues later on!

Clean up the property

Before you move out, you should tidy and clean everything! This includes cleaning floors, surfaces, and appliances, as well as removing any rubbish or personal belongings. You may also need to deep-clean carpets, curtains, or upholstery, depending on your tenancy agreement.

We have more information on cleaning before moving out, so to find out more click here.

Check for damages

You should inspect the property for any damages you've caused during your tenancy. If you find anything, let your landlord or letting agent know as soon as you can so they can arrange for them to be repaired. This may involve hiring a professional or doing the repairs yourself, depending on the nature of the damage.

It's important to be aware that causing damage may lead to your deposit not being returned in full.

Return keys

This is the final step! On the day you move out, you should return any keys to your landlord or letting agent. Some landlords charge for disposal of leftover items so make sure everything is empty - don’t leave any tupperware at the back of the cupboard!

Ensure you have completed any necessary paperwork or formalities before you leave and that is you sorted!

If you do these things, you can have a less stressful moving-out experience.

Moving out soon and need somewhere to live next? To see what accommodation is available in your city, search accommodationforstudents.com