When should I start looking for my accommodation?

It's the age-old question: When do I start looking for my second-year accommodation?
Our short answer: It's never really too early to start thinking about your second-year student house.
Some students start looking for their second-year accommodation as early as October and November. This is particularly important if you're living in a city with a competitive student housing market.
There are a handful of different accommodation types available to students. Because of this, the timeline for when to start looking can be dependent on the type of accommodation you're interested in.
On-campus accommodation:
If you're interested in staying in university halls for your second year, you should start researching and applying for accommodation as soon as possible. Universities have different application deadlines and some may begin accepting applications as early as October or November. Some universities only ensure first-year students get accommodation so it's extra important to be early if you're going into second year. Be sure to check with your university's accommodation office for specific details.
Private accommodation:
If you're interested in renting a private flat or house off-campus, it’s important to consider the city your living in. Some cities in the U.K., have an increasingly competitive student housing market. These cities include:
- Bristol
- Dublin
- Durham l
- Edinburgh
- Glasgow
- York
In these cases, you should start your search earlier in the year, roughly the end of your first term.
Some cities have a very relaxed housing market, meaning students can take their time finding a house that suits them. These cities include;
- Coventry
- Leicester
- Liverpool
- Portsmouth
- Plymouth
- Sheffield
In more relaxed cities, it’s recommended to start looking for housing at the beginning of the second term. This will give you enough time to research different areas, visit potential properties, and secure a lease before the summer break. Many landlords and letting agents will begin advertising their properties for the following academic year leading up to Winter break and directly after, so be sure to keep an eye out for available listings.
If you're interested in living with a local family through homestay, you should start your search early in the second semester of your first year. Many homestay providers will begin advertising their services for the following academic year around this time, so be sure to start researching and contacting potential hosts.
To Conclude
It’s important to understand the situation in your own city before you start to think about securing accommodation. In some cities you will need to start planning early, while in others you can take your time.
When you are ready to start searching you can look at the accommodation available in your city here.