Room 1
£90 /week
Kirkstall Lane, Kirkstall, Leeds
Available from today
Triple A Lets
Private landlord • Joined in May 2003
Our partners at Fused have provided an estimated breakdown of the utility costs for this property. One monthly payment covers unlimited energy, water, and broadband for you and your housemates, with costs evenly split among you for peace of mind.
Quote for this property
£19.75per person/week
per person/week
This 5 bedroom flat offers individual private rooms, giving you your own space for sleeping and studying while enjoying shared access to common areas and amenities.
£90 /week
£90 /week
£90 /week
£90 /week
£90 /week
No bills included
Get a bills package
Unlimited energy, Water & Internet
£19.75 per person/week
Kirkstall Lane, Kirkstall, Leeds, LS5 3BE
Triple A Lets
Private landlord • Joined in May 2003
Triple A Lets has been a family run business providing first class student accommodation in Leeds for over 45 years. The business began with one property in 1960 on Brudenell Road. With a lot of hard work and determination the business grew and has continued to expand but not so much that our excellent customer service is affected. We are proud that our properties are managed completely in-house.
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