How to shake off the January blues

So, Christmas is well and truly over and January is now upon us.
Are you feeling blue yet? If you are, then try not to worry! January is of course a strange time, post Christmas break, when people are returning to either work, university or school.
Stress can pile back on, decorations can come down and suddenly everything seems a little bit more real again, doesn’t it?
Well, don’t worry, here at Student Life Guide we have a guide to getting you beating that blues this new year, from health kicks to days out and pampering.
Tip 1, have a health kick!
Whether it’s sorting out your Christmas fridge for a new food shop, getting out for a run or even taking a stroll in the park, shake off the cobwebs and get out there, it’s much better than sitting inside with decorations falling down around you…
Tip 2, dry January?
More and more people are opting each year to try out dry January, probably in response to the excesses of Christmas and New Year. All you have to do is not drink alcohol for all of January, definitely a challenge yet one which you will be interested to see the results of!
Tip 3, health MOT
Whether it’s finally dragging yourself to the dentist, or booking a doctor’s check up, having a quick health check is a great way to get you going for the new year. You can also invest in some vitamins, which will get you into a routine.
Tip 4, have a day out
The first week back to reality can be hard, and whilst many people struggle with the money for a day out so soon after Christmas, even popping to a local town for a stroll, or getting together with family can fight the January blues.
Tip 5, pamper yourself!
You are going to have to use all those beauty products you got for Christmas one day! Have a day treating yourself to some body D.I.Y and scrub away 2017!
Tip 6, take up a hobby!
Understand that you do not need to do anything drastic! You are doing pretty well just the way you are. Sometimes even listening to a new album can be a new experience, so go slow and see what works for you.
Tip 7, plan some holidays!
Go on, have a look online and get some weekends away sorted, maybe even do a little bit of dream shopping and have a look at your favourite holiday destinations. Sky Scanner and Air BnB are your best bets…
Tip 8, get enough sleep
A major cause of feeling down in January can usually be put down to a lack of sleep and your sleeping pattern inevitably being placed out of order. At least eight hours a night will work towards beating the January blues.
Feeling blue in January is perfectly natural! It can take time to get back on your feet in the new year, yet focus on the positives and work through the month, everything will soon fall back into place!