Top ten pranks to play on your housemates

Holly Smith·3 April 2017·4 min read
Top ten pranks to play on your housemates

If you find that you have far too much time on your hands at university, pulling pranks is always a form of entertainment. Careful, you might make enemies pulling off some of these stunts in the first few weeks of uni. But once you’re ready, make sure you do I properly.

1. The cup prank


This prank seems to have grown in popularity over the years because of its ease for the prankster, and the amount of agony for the victim. Simply fill a whole lot of plastic cups with an inch of water and strategically place them in front of someone’s door, or maybe just cover the entire room. Watch them sob in despair trying to get from A to B and trying to remove the cups without soaking their room.

2. The tin foil prank


Get yourself down to a cheap supermarket and stock up on as much tinfoil as possible. Enter your flatmate’s room or even their food cupboard and cover their items ENTIRELY. The more tinfoil used, the funnier the reaction. Some students have even gone to the lengths of individually wrapping underwear and socks…

3. The cling filmed toilet


This one is a disgusting classic but also an extremely easy one: cover the toilet with a layer of cling film. The outcome doesn’t need to be articulated…

4. The hidden alarm


This prank is perfect for those housemates that find getting up at a respectable time in the morning unbearable. Set a few alarm clocks for hours earlier than they would usually wake up, hide them around their room, and hear their shrieks…

5. The hidden pictures

Does your flatmate find any celebrity excruciatingly annoying? Do they have an embarrassing crush? Or have you found a ridiculously embarrassing photo of them? Print several of these photos off and hide them in awkward places such as their lecture folders, their food cupboards and under their bed sheets.

6. The newspaper overload

This prank doesn’t require a lot of energy, and the reaction will be priceless. Simply source as many newspapers as you can, rip them to pieces, and fill up your flatmate’s room. If you’re feeling environmentally friendly, maybe just sabotage their en suite bathroom or a cupboard.

7. The post-it-note fun


Who would think that something as small as a post-it-note could cause so much agony? Simply overload your flatmate’s room with post-it-notes. You don’t even have to write anything on them, their presence will be enough.

8. The balloon battle


Similar to the newspaper prank, blow up a couple hundred balloons and fill your flatmate’s room with them. Quite of few people have a strange phobia of balloons, so be careful…

9. The election prank

Do you have a flatmate that reckons they are a bit of BNOC? Test their popularity and create hundreds of fake election posters for them for union positions and splatter them across campus. This will certainly test their gift of the gab.

10. The official letter

If any of your flatmates has missed a significant amount of university, broken any items from your house or caused any drama on a night out, I think an ‘official’ letter from the university is in order. Stick to the formality of a university headed letter and articulate their offenses in eloquent prose. They’ll find it hard to act chilled and collected after this bombshell.

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